In November 2022, Sergei Markin, a neurosurgeon from the Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies at St Petersburg University, performed a live surgery to remove a herniated intervertebral disc by endoscopic method for doctors from the TATNEFT, PJSC Medical Unit. Endoscopic operations to remove a spine hernia ensure gentle and minimally traumatic extraction of a disk fragment, and the ‘Fast track’ follow-up strategy allows ‘putting the operated person on feet’ on the very next day after the operation.
Today, such an operation is of utmost demand, because 80 percent of the population over 35, according to the World Health Organization surveys, suffers from back pains due to protrusions, disc herniation or discopathy.
A sedentary lifestyle can lead to such disorders, as real settings, in which people exist, force them to move little both at home and at work. As result, people develop an incorrect posture, gain weight; their metabolism is disturbed. This leads to losing intervertebral disc elasticity, the annulus fibrosus of the disc ruptures and the nucleus pulposus protrudes, causing compression of the roots and spinal nerves. Then people experience pain. With pain, there often occurs numbness, weakness in the extremities, dysfunctions of the urinary system organs and other lesions.
Experience and skills shared by our doctors with their colleagues from other cities and towns in Russia will definitely bring the healthcare to the more advanced level and prevent the development of some complications that occur in patients today.
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