The doctors of the anesthesiology-resuscitation department have perfectly mastered the following anesthesia care technologies
Conduction methods
Blocks of peripheral nerve stems and nets, central neuroaxial blocks. The implementation of these methods is performed under the guidance of:
ultrasound unit (U/S) that allows to visualize the location of nerve stems, nets, special injection needle,
neurostimulator, a unit that allows to accurately determine the location of the nerve stems using low electrical currents without their mechanical damage. These techniques help to minimize the possible complications associated with the blocks. Anesthesia is performed with modern local anesthetics. Any conduction anesthesia is complemented by creation of psycho-emotional comfort (sleep) of the patient.
Inhalation anesthesia
Performed with modern inhalation anesthetics which is xenon, sevoflurane, desflurane.
Xenon anesthesia
Has been mastered by the department doctors since 2002. Our Center and department can rightfully assume the role of an early adopter in the development of this technology in the North-West of Russia. We have accumulated unique experience in performing xenon anesthesia in patients of various age groups, diseases, volumes of surgical treatment and severity of concomitant pathologies. The department doctors have performed more than 1600 xenon anesthesias. It combines various anesthetics, hypnotics, analgesics using mechanical ventilation which allows performing surgeries varying in volume, injury rate and duration.
Combined anesthesia
The implementation of various types of anesthesia within the framework of anesthesiology – inhalation + conduction anesthesia, etc. Combination of different types of anesthesia provides optimal and high-quality pain relief for the necessary surgical treatment.
Invasive circulatory dynamics monitoring
It is used according to the indications of the department doctors. It allows to immediately make important strategic decisions affecting the perioperative condition of patients and increasing the chances for a favorable outcome of the disease in the most difficult situations.
Catheter insertion methods
Into the epidural cavity towards the large nerve stems and plexuses using continuous infusion with a disposable pump, which allows to individually select the rate of delivery of local anesthetic in order to ensure long-term intraoperative and postoperative pain relief.